
An invisible red thread connects those who are destined to meet regardless of time, place, or circumstance. The red thread may stretch or tangle, but will never break. --Chinese proverb

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

One Year Anniversary

October 25th was the one year anniversary of Neela's arrival home!  What a year it has been! We had a little family celebration for lunch with a Chinese cashew chicken dish and a German chocolate cake to top it off.  We remembered Andrew coming to the airport with Gramps to pick us up, Mommy almost passing out from the duration of the flight and no sleep and little food, Neela walking right into the house like she owned the place and giving her brothers a hug, the big sign that Luke and Andrew and Gramps and Grammy made to welcome Neela....  This year of fun with Neela has passed by much more quickly than the long year between sending our papers to China and our final departure to go and bring her home.  

While I meant to do a nice year in summary, it won't happen today.  However, I will say that Neela has adjusted perfectly and fits our family like a glove.  (She is the little pinky!)  It is hard to imagine life without her.  

And now for a few videos of her singing!  The first, "twinkle twinkle", the second "Happy Birthday" and the third some endings to an alternate Happy Birthday version - this learned by having two older brothers....

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Oh my gosh those videos are awesome! She is so adorable! I love the ending of the second vid. Too cute!

Happy One Year Anniversary!