
An invisible red thread connects those who are destined to meet regardless of time, place, or circumstance. The red thread may stretch or tangle, but will never break. --Chinese proverb

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Gettin' ready...

Okay, now that we have plane tickets it finally feels like this is really going to happen. I've started reading some of the adoption books I've been telling Marnie I was waiting to read until it was closer to the "event" so everything would be more fresh in my mind. I've been starting to ride the bus to the new Medtronic location, which gives me a lot of reading opportunities when the bus is not starting and stopping too much (I haven't thrown up yet). I feel more motivated to get thru all the stuff on the "to do" list for this fall so we will not return with all these things to catch up on.

I keep finding myself visualizing the first week we will spend with Neela, wondering how she will react to meeting us and how long it will take for us to win her over. I keep telling myself it will not take me long. How can she not like this "clown" side of myself? But I suppose I should prepare myself for things not to happen right away, she may need time to get comfortable with us and maybe to grieve the loss of everything she knows in this world so far. We are planning on having my laptop with a webcam so we can video chat with the boyz back home every day. I think this should really help the them get thru the 2 weeks we are gone, but I wonder if they will feel jealous if they are missing us and then see us spending all this time with this new child they do not know yet. Maybe I could write a few little notes for Marnie's folks to give to the guys while we are gone to remind them how much they mean to us too...



Nicole Herbst said...

Chinese Proverb:
An invisible red thread connects those who are destined to meet regardless of time,place, or circumstance. The red thread may stretch or tangle, but will never break.

Thinking of your big day!

PS- You could leave little chocolate "kisses" for the boys each day... :)

Meg Potempa said...

You will need to leave little chocolate kisses for the Grammy too! Otherwise you can't trust her to give the kids theirs ; ) ..............