
An invisible red thread connects those who are destined to meet regardless of time, place, or circumstance. The red thread may stretch or tangle, but will never break. --Chinese proverb

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Travel Approval at Last!

Today we got the call that we have been approved for travel! We are tentatively scheduled for a consulate date of Oct. 23rd. We will have to leave the U.S. no later than Oct. 12th to arrive on the 14th, and we would then get Neela the afternoon of the 14th. We would then leave China to return on Oct. 25th. We will wait to have this date confirmed by tomorrow or Monday before we buy our plane tickets. It is a bit longer than the typical 2-3 weeks' notice, but then again, we may be able to use our frequent flyer miles this way and save a bit on the plane tickets.... Looks like we'll be able to squeak in just before our fingerprints "expire" and avoid a fourth fingerprinting! A more definitive itinerary to follow.


Anonymous said...

This is the best news! I cannot wait for you to bring her home, and have all the little Potempa boys (and one girl!) get to know her. Makes me want to come home much sooner than next spring!


Jennifer said...

Oh that's so awesome! It's less than a month away! Wow. Just think, by Halloween you'll be parents to THREE wonderful kiddos.

Meg Potempa said...

We are busy rearranging appointments, redirecting mail, canceling newspapers, etc., in preparation for our visit with the boys. We are very excited about another granddaughter in the family. Make sure you prepare a detailed "Grammy and Gramps manual for care of Luke and Andrew", as we are probably in need of some direction ; ) .