
An invisible red thread connects those who are destined to meet regardless of time, place, or circumstance. The red thread may stretch or tangle, but will never break. --Chinese proverb

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Back in Nanchang

We arrived in Nanchang today nearly 8 years from the last time we were here.  After dropping our bags at the hotel the guide said we would go to lunch.  She said "There is a Chinese restaurant not too far from here that we will walk to."  That seemed an odd thing to say.   They are all Chinese restaurants and we are never more than a block or two from one wherever we go!

We toured the Teng Weng Pavilion again and will take a dip in the pool soon.  It is very hot and humid here.   

Tomorrow we will visit the orphanage, finding place and foster family. I think Neela is a bit anxious about it and is afraid they won't remember her.   

The girls are comparing notes about their orphanage visits via email and we have heard back from one so far.  

There are many less kids there now and the majority of them have medical needs, some very severe. Our guide told us to expect a similar situation here as well.   Due to a swiftly improving economy and changing rules around the one child policy, not as many children are being left anymore.   Rules have also changed allowing the Chinese to adopt even if they already have a child so the healthy babies are now adopted within the country right away. This is a good thing for the children.

Maybe I can get Neela to write tomorrow. ...


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