
An invisible red thread connects those who are destined to meet regardless of time, place, or circumstance. The red thread may stretch or tangle, but will never break. --Chinese proverb

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Hello Neela!!!

Finally she is here! Monica called us at 2:15 and asked us if she could come early. We were okay with that :) The door bell rang at about 3:05 and there she was! The orphanage director dropped her off along with a few of her things, including some of the things we sent her in a care package. She was crying, of course, sensing the change about to take place. She was not happy to go to Marnie and cried for most of the first hour. But gradually the tears subsided and she began to reassess the situation. She began eyeing some of the neat things in our room and taking comfort in Marnie's arms. She is not sure what to make of me yet, but for the moment seems to find me amusing. I managed to get a half smile out of her playing "peek a boo". She walked around the room for a bit, played with the colorful stacking cups, and had a few bits of a cracker. We realized it was time for her to eat and so we made her a bottle, mixing it a little thick because that is how they said she liked it. She watched us as we made it, seeming to wonder if we know what we are doing. She sucked it down without giving it another thought. Afterwards, we tried some banana but she was not interested. Pulled out the cheerios and she was all over those, with the spoon and everything. Now Marnie has her out in the hallway exploring. She appears to be somewhat outgoing, wanting to investigate everything. This is good. She will get along well with the boys...


jerry said...

Wow! Beautiful Nela! Your comments have been great! Makes us feel like we are there with you. Saves us atrip to China.

jerry said...

Do you care if we give this blog address to others who may find it interesting? dad

Anonymous said...

i raced to the computer this morning to see little neela. what a beautiful girl! we send our love and absolutely can't wait to meet her. enjoy the rest of your trip.
mandy,michael,owen and elliot

Jennifer said...

Congratulations!!! She is beautiful you guys and so precious.

Anonymous said...

We raced to our computer this morning, too. In fact, I was half-tempted to get up in the middle of the night to see Neela - figuring out the crazy time difference between China and Anchorage. She's so sweet and beautiful. Thank you so much for posting as often as you do!

Anne, Marc and Dane

Anonymous said...

Neela is beautiful! It is so nice to be able to read your commentary and see the pictures. We look forward to more pictures and then meeting her when you return!

Anonymous said...

More pictures, more pictures!

Meg Potempa said...

We love our daily skype visits. It was fun seeing Neela interact with both of you this morning. She definitely looked relaxed and happy. The boys get very excited about each call and blog entry. We feel like we are there with you!
It is much fun for us, even though we are far away. Hope your first night went well.
Mom, Dad, Luke and Andrew

Anonymous said...

She is soooo cute! I hope she is feeling better about being with you. The girls were very excited to see her pictures. Can't wait to meet her.

Anonymous said...

She is sooo cute! The girls are very excited to see her picture. Marnie looks very happy.

Anonymous said...

Jerry sent us the blog address. Thanks for sharing this incredible experience! We look forward to meeting Neela... love, julie and phil