
An invisible red thread connects those who are destined to meet regardless of time, place, or circumstance. The red thread may stretch or tangle, but will never break. --Chinese proverb

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Jing Jing's Place

This is Neela's favorite spot. I'm thinking she is going to be some sort of adventure seeker when she grows up. Part of our ritual of walking up and down the hallway is to stop on the end and sit and look out the window. We hold her of course, not sure how much we can really trust the installation or quality of the glass. I'm wondering if our hotel room can be a little overstimulating for her, so her walks up and down the hallway are a way for her to relax a little.

I'm also a big fan of Marc's comment. Why can't my brothers be more profound??? :)

Small update on traffic rules. I think their variation on our traffic law of "always yield to pedestrians" is as follows: "Always honk the horn at pedestrians prior to swerving and grazing them with the rear view mirror." I am equally impressed (or perhaps unimpressed) at their ability to uphold this rule even when faced with baby in baby stroller. We went out for a shopping stroll yesterday with Monica and our friends from Burnsville, it is was interesting how the baby strollers did not make it any easier to cross the street. I guess the system is what it is.

Enjoyed a fun albeit small dinner in our room last night. Jing Jing sat in Marnie's lap and had a blast wielding her single chop stick and eating chicken flavored rice. I love it that she is still very oral when it comes to eating, and we are still learning all her likes and dislikes. Texture seems to be a big deal for her and mainly prefers the soft and gooey stuff.

Today is our 10 year wedding anniversary! Maybe will celebrate with a dinner out somewhere and a nice taxi ride, which I like to call "Valley Fair".



Anonymous said...

Happy is to many more...since I am fresh out of profound thoughts, I will resign myself to wishing you well and thank you for sharing your thoughts and experiences these weeks...please keep writing.

Anonymous said...

Dave and Marnie,

Every day since Jerry forwarded your blog I have read the new postings that either of you have posted. I am so impressed with all that you are processing as you find Neela. She is lucky to have you and you are lucky to have her. Your writings bring back so many memories of my Peace Corps experience and our adoption experiences. I find myself swallowing back tears as I let the emotions of joy, fear, hurt, sadness, newness, loneliness, excitement, etc., etc flow over me and through me.

Thank you so much for sharing your journey.

Phil Ledermann