
An invisible red thread connects those who are destined to meet regardless of time, place, or circumstance. The red thread may stretch or tangle, but will never break. --Chinese proverb

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Early morning thoughts

Once again we are up at 3:30am, even though we stayed up much later last night. Neela spent most of the evening last night nibbling on Cheerios and ramen noodles, and giving a few little smiles. She seems to love to eat, so we are going to get along just fine :) We video chatted with Marnie's folks and the boys for a while before putting her to sleep. She went to sleep very well and has slept thru the night. I am still amazed at how comfortable she was with us last night. I was prepared for her to be withdrawn for a few days and for it to take time to warm up to us, but it seems like she was already ready for us. Maybe they were good at showing her the photos we sent, so maybe in a way she already feels she knows us. She appears to be a very active child who loves to explore new things, so I imagine she will love chasing after her older brothers :)

I can hear her stirring in the crib now, so soon she will be up. I wonder what her first reaction will be. I guess we will see how much of a morning person she it....

As requested, here is a barrage of photos:


Meg Potempa said...

We like our new little sister and we think she is very cute. We can't wait to see her and play with her. Be sure and call tonight. We are waiting!
Luke and Andrew

Anonymous said...

So cute. She DOES look comfortable with you guys! Love the picture where she is smiling on Marnie's lap.

Anonymous said...

Oh, what fun! I've been thinking of you all weekend, reliving those days myself. She seems to be doing so well! What a brave little girl. I can't wait to meet her in real life. Billie