
An invisible red thread connects those who are destined to meet regardless of time, place, or circumstance. The red thread may stretch or tangle, but will never break. --Chinese proverb

Monday, October 8, 2007

Pretty much packed up

It is 9:56pm and we are ready to go. Unfortunately we are still waiting for our plane which will not be ready until Wednesday AM. Or at least they will not let us get on it until then. That is okay. We can spend one more day with our kids. Luke is getting over a 3 day fever, hopefully he will be back at school tomorrow. I finished making up 16 little notes for the kids, one for each day we will be gone. I even hid a few presents around the house for them to find when we are gone. All our stuff is in the three suitcases and one backpack. Marnie still needs to go a weight and balance on the bags to be sure we are under the 50 lb threshold the airline uses to determine who they can further abuse financially. Marnie has packed a number of sleep aids for the flight, hopefully she will not be in a coma when we arrive. She should be okay since they are all natural products, which means they cost twice as much and work only half as well. All for now. I must get my sleep tonite so I don't get the 3 day dengue fever the kids had. I must also kiss our nice crisp 100 dollar bills goodnight. Apparently the Chinese have not heard of pay pal yet....

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Oh this post is so funny! I kept laughing throughout. I actually got butterflies in my stomach thinking of your plane waiting for you!!