
An invisible red thread connects those who are destined to meet regardless of time, place, or circumstance. The red thread may stretch or tangle, but will never break. --Chinese proverb

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

So true

I'd like to post a comment shared by my brother-in-law, Marc, because I really liked it. Thanks Marc!

"Maybe being a pedestrian in China is an allegory to the whole adoption experience. It seems so busy and confusing trying to get where you're going. You get brave and just jump right in. You hope, pray and trust that it's going to work out great. And it does."

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Marnie and Dave,

Meg forwarded your blog to us after we had Luke over to play. I just read through your entire experience, and I feel like I'm peeking in on your world first-hand (hope that's ok!) It's been a fascinating read to hear about all of your first impressions and getting to know your little Neela there in China. Thank you for sharing all of your thoughts (even with friends you didn't know you were sharing with!)

Congratulations on your new daughter. We will be excited to meet her when you are back, and after you feel settled in Minneapolis.

Take care--

Angie Endo