
An invisible red thread connects those who are destined to meet regardless of time, place, or circumstance. The red thread may stretch or tangle, but will never break. --Chinese proverb

Friday, October 26, 2007

We're home!

Finally arrived home at 11:50am yesterday. The plane ride was rough and the jet lag brutal. Our first trip from Guangzhou to Tokyo was only about 3 hours with meal, so that was pretty doable. We had a 2 hour layover in Tokyo, which was barely enough time to get through another round of security screening. Neela slept for 2-3 hours out of that 10 hour flight, and did gymnastics in my lap for the remainder of the time. We took her around the plane a little bit, but mostly we stayed in our seats. After she fell asleep, we positioned her on our laps, pushed the call button, and cashed in our drink coupons for a beer and a Bailey's on the rocks. After arrival, we had to go through immigration for our new little citizen. Marnie nearly passed out in line from the trip and dehydration. We made it through okay, stacked all our luggage on a cart, and rolled out to the street where Ed and Andrew picked us up.

Neela seems to really like it at our house. She is still learning how to go over the landing by the steps. She has given Luke and Andrew multiple hugs and likes to hold their hands while walking around the house. We all struggled to stay awake through the afternoon. I kept nodding off in spite of the coffee I was drinking. Neela fell asleep right in her high chair after only having a couple bites of her dinner. I went to bed shortly after dinner, and Marnie shortly after that. Neela spent most of the night in our bed instead of her crib, which is fine. We'll give her some time to get over the jet lag and get used to our house before trying to get her to stay in her crib. She and I got up for a couple of hours in the middle of the night. She had some milk and prune/rice cereal, played blocks and "little people" for a bit, and went back to bed at 1:30am. We all slept pretty good then until 6am. If that was the worst night in her "adjustment", then we should be okay...

Neela seems to be doing pretty good, so it would be okay for people to come meet her, but we just want to not have everyone come at the same time. So please call in advance to arrange a time. Thanks!



Anonymous said...

Welcome home!

Phil and Julie Ledermann

Anonymous said...

We loved following your journey to China and back. And we are so happy that you are back safe and sound with your darling little girl!
