
An invisible red thread connects those who are destined to meet regardless of time, place, or circumstance. The red thread may stretch or tangle, but will never break. --Chinese proverb

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Countryside wanders - my favorite activity

Can you stand one more photo of the karst mountains?  They really are spectacular and so accessible to walk among and even up some of them - not like the huge range of the Rockies. I really like this first photo from the trail on the way to Square Mountain. 

By the way, we found out about Square Mountain a few weeks ago when we were lost biking through this little village.   A group of bikers told us to follow them and we did just long enough to find out about this spot before we got back on track to our original destination. 

This place turned out to be a great surprise in how fun the cave was to come upon.   We noticed square holes all along the walls not unlike those found at Native American sites such as Mesa Verde signifying wood beam insets of cliff homes of long ago.  We asked the hotel owner about it and she said the Chinese hid out from the Japanese during WWII in this cave. 

Also included is a rare photo of Andrew agreeing to pose for a photo at the entrance to the square cave.   Finally, an experimental "sound and shot" photo I just tried on my phone.   Is there a little musical note to click and listen?



Unknown said...

Beautiful photos! Dave in silhouette is a cool shot. So many unique places to explore.

Unknown said...

Very interesting. Like a daily history lesson. Thanks so much!