
An invisible red thread connects those who are destined to meet regardless of time, place, or circumstance. The red thread may stretch or tangle, but will never break. --Chinese proverb

Monday, July 4, 2016

A blur of activity here!

Just a quick note and a photo of Ani showing Dave her photo book.   Things are going well.  Ani was very shy at first but is having fun now that we are back at the hotel.   Neela is a great big sister and likes Ani.  

Ani is in stimulation overload and is a non-stop whir of activity.   She has unpacked and packed her bag of things quite a few times already and knows her way around an iPad screen.   She also is a musician - she played a few songs on the recorder and then played twinkle twinkle on the iPad piano.   I see more music lessons in our future.   

We were nervous at first about how things would go without a language connection,  but it will be fine.  She knows a teeny bit of English and catches on fast.   

She knows "Luke" and "Andrew" and wonders where they are.   She has been studying her photo book we sent to her.   She is very nervous about the cats though. 

As for her sight,  she seems to function just fine.  We will wait until returning to do anything about glasses.   She looks at things at a very close range and hops over floor color changes not knowing if it is a step or not,  but otherwise it does not seem to be an issue for now.

More later.

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