
An invisible red thread connects those who are destined to meet regardless of time, place, or circumstance. The red thread may stretch or tangle, but will never break. --Chinese proverb

Monday, July 4, 2016

Gotcha Day

Finally the day is here and we got to meet HanRui (Ani).  We went to an office building where we took care of the adoption paperwork and made the standard orphanage donation, then they brought her to the room we were in.  She was very shy at first, she was resisting walking into the room and the orphanage director kept nudging her our way.  She greeted us in English and we all introduced ourselves.  She was wondering where Luke and Andrew were, as she had gotten the photos of our family, sounds like she is very excited to have older brothers!

She took some time to show us all the things she brought from the orphanage.  They made a little picture book with her in different locations of the orphanage for her to remember.  There was only one picture of her when she was a baby.  She also had a video about the orphanage, a white bunny that can record things you say and repeat them back, a small "jam jar" speaker that plays her music off of a thumb drive, and a magnifying device that helps her see small detail. 

They gave her a nice chop (stamp) with her name on it and some red ink. We let her try this at our hotel room and we might have to pay for a duvet cover that now has some red ink on it from her hand....  :)

Afterwards we went to a family photo place where they took our official picture of us for the paperwork.  

She loves music and played a recorder song for us.  She also knows some piano songs that she is playing on our iPad piano.  She told us when we first met that she also likes to sing and dance. She is curious about everything in our hotel room and goes from one thing to the next, lots of new things for her to see and do that they did not have in the orphanage, to the point where it feels like she is a little over-stimulated.  We have started to put most of our things away so their is less to distract her.  Needed to unplug the TV so she stops going back to that.

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