
An invisible red thread connects those who are destined to meet regardless of time, place, or circumstance. The red thread may stretch or tangle, but will never break. --Chinese proverb

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

A walk in the gong yuan

After lunch at the noodle place we eat at every day,  we decided to go to the park.  It is not too hot today and not a good day for swimming as it has been raining a bit.

The park was very quiet, not very many people were out.  It was a nice walk. We found one of the typical Chinese exercise playgrounds and tried out a few things. The rain started to pick up after a while and we headed back to the hotel.

The last picture is one of me that Ani had taken.   She likes to have me stand all over the place and take photos.   Sometimes it is hard for her to hold it still enough so it is a bit blurry.  She got a good one of Dave and Neela, though.

Yesterday during one of her picture taking episodes,  she somehow got on my wechat app and left a voice message (I didn't know you could do that! ).  She said "Ni hao. Hello, my name is Ani!"  We looked to see who she had sent it to.  She had sent it to the woman at our adoption agency in Hawaii who has been working closely with us.  She was thrilled to get the message and thought it no coincidence that it got sent to her!


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