
An invisible red thread connects those who are destined to meet regardless of time, place, or circumstance. The red thread may stretch or tangle, but will never break. --Chinese proverb

Friday, July 8, 2016

It is hot here!!

I think HanRui will like the Minnesota weather better.   She does not like the heat.  I must say,  I am not a fan either.   It is 96 degrees, but with humidty the "real feel" index is at 114.  I'd like to go outside rather than sitting in this hotel room,  but we will wait until evening or at least later this afternoon.   Neela is looking forward to swimming again.  She and Dave went swimming last night.  It is an outdoor pool in the full sun,  so we will wait a while. 

Being settled in a hotel room again seems to be good for HanRui.  She has arranged all of her stuff several times and has gotten out her music to listen to. She got out her notebook just now to do some number writing.   I wrote all of the capital letters on another piece of paper and she copied them all with neat writing.  

Our new guide is Lee.  HanRui has a new person to ask her million questions of again.  Lee says she seems to be doing very well for her age as it is a difficult age to make this big change.   She says in talking with her, she thinks she will catch on to English quickly as she is very motivated to learn. I think the language barrier is a big factor in how she acts.  She has a lot to say and isn't able to get it across to us. Good thing we have Yanling to check in with us periodically at home. 

She is also very excited to go to America and have a family of her own.  The only thing she seems to know about America, however, is that the traffic is better!   She had also asked Lee to write down the time and date of our Consulate appointment for her.  She is worried that they will turn down her visa request. 

I could understand what she was saying to Lee today when she was telling her what ages and what grades the boys and Neela are in. She is also excited that everyone in the family plays a musical instrument or sings. 

Our big activity of the day was the health examination this morning.   She was nervous but did well.  And she chatted with a friendly nurse for quite a while.  Dave will hopefully post more on this later.  He has all of the photos also.   I have not been too on top of photography during this trip.  

One crazy coincidence happened today.  We ran into someone we knew in the doctor's office. It was Molly, or guide from when we were here with Neela in 2007! We talked with her a bit which was fun.   

We are running into a bunch of other adoptive families now that we are in Guangzhou.  We are traveling with a mom adopting a little 5 year old girl who is blind.  She has three other kids at home,  2 of which are tall Ethiopian boys.  She worries about their safety as the US is in such termoil with black men being killed by police with a sad regularity. Her boys are 6 and 8 and have already been victims of racial profiling and have been followed because they are black.  Things have got to change.  And soon.

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