
An invisible red thread connects those who are destined to meet regardless of time, place, or circumstance. The red thread may stretch or tangle, but will never break. --Chinese proverb

Monday, July 11, 2016

Consulate Appointment

This morning we went to our Consulate appointment.   Ani must have reminded me 50 times what time we had to leave.   She did not want to miss it.   On our way there, we answered some of her questions about school.   Public or private she wanted to know.  Where does this kid get her information?  We think she must have some connections on the outside!   

There were 10 families along with us.  They have appointments 3 days a week.  I wonder how many kids are leaving each week. It is nice to see them all with their new families. There were a few with babies, a few toddlers, a couple 4 or 5 year olds, but Ani is the only older child we have seen anywhere being adopted. So many still wait and will age out of the system : (

We went through the paper review.  They asked her how old she was (different process for over 10 years old?).  We swore on oath that all our info on her application was true to the best of our knowledge.   We verified that we knew of her medical need.   

And then we left.  She was quiet walking out. Finally she said, "Mom? Yes? Ani go meiguo (America)?"  Yes, I told her, you can go to America. She squealed and jumped for joy.  She had been very worried that her request would be denied.  Again, where does she get her info? 

Now she has moved on to reminding me when we need to leave for our flight and that I need to change the time on her watch to American time on Friday.   That is in between asking for the low down on her 19 cousins.  I have to list them by mother's side/father's side, younger girl/older girl, younger boy/older boy....  this takes a while.   

She will definitely be ready for Family Weekend in Wisconsin in August.  Dave says, the question is, will Family Weekend be ready for her! I know Grammy is ready! 


1 comment:

Quinn said...

Hi HanRui!

My name is Quinn Lester. I am one of your cousins. I hope you are having a great time with your new family now. I am excited to meet you.
